Java Socket Thread Pool Example

The Echo Thread Pool Server Tutorial is intended to provide an introduction to the concept of thread pools. In Java, thread pools are most commonly utilized through the java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService interface. The Java Tutorials provide a good introduction to thread pooling, and the code below is intended to be a simple crash course.

  • Java Tutorials for Thread Pooling: external link:

This server extends the functionality of the Echo Server Tutorial code by supporting multiple simultaneous connections by utilizing a pool of threads. As more concurrent connections are made to the server, more threads are automatically spawned by the ExecutorService, and as clients disconnect unused threads are destroyed. It also introduces the use of the Runtime and the shutdown hook - a thread that is run when the Virtual Machine (VM) is about to shutdown.

            package  ;            import  ;            import  ;            import  ;            import  ;            import  ;            import  ;            import  ;            import  ;            import            java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;            import            java.util.concurrent.Executors;  /**  * <ol>  * <li>Listens            for            connections on a specified port</li>  * <li>Reads a line from the newly-connected socket.</li>  * <li>Converts the line to uppercase and responds on the socket.</li>  * <li>Repeats the previous step until the connection is closed by the client.</li>  * </ol>  *   * <p>  * The source code contained in            this            file is based on the            "TCPServer"            example  * program provided by Kurose and Ross in <i>Computer Networking: A Top-Down  * Approach</i>, Fifth Edition.  * </p>  *   * @author Robert S. Moore  *   */            public            class ThreadPoolEchoServer            extends            Thread            {  	/** 	 * A simple runnable class that performs the basic work of            this            server. 	 * It will read a line from the client, convert it to uppercase, and then 	 * write it back to the client. 	 * @author Robert Moore 	 * 	 */            public            static            class ClientHandler            implements            Runnable            { 		/** 		 * The socket connected to the client. 		 */            private            final            Socket clientSock; 		 		/** 		 * Creates a            new            ClientHandler thread            for            the socket provided. 		 * @param clientSocket the socket to the client. 		 */            public            ClientHandler(final            Socket clientSocket) {            this.clientSock = clientSocket; 		}  		/** 		 * The run method is invoked by the ExecutorService (thread pool). 		 */ 		@Override            public            void run() {  			BufferedReader userInput =            null; 			DataOutputStream userOutput =            null;            try            { 				userInput =            new            BufferedReader(new            InputStreamReader(            this.clientSock.getInputStream())); 				userOutput =            new            DataOutputStream(this.clientSock.getOutputStream());            while            (true) { 					// Create the stream wrappers  					// Read a line from the client            String            origLine = userInput.readLine();            if            (origLine ==            null) {            break; 					} 					// Convert to uppercase            String            upperLine = origLine.toUpperCase() +            "\n"; 					// Write out as ASCII and flush 					userOutput.write(upperLine.getBytes("ASCII")); 					userOutput.flush(); 				} 			}            catch            (IOException ioe) { 				 				// Close both streams, wrappers may not be closed by closing the 				// socket  			}            try            {            if            (userInput !=            null) { 					userInput.close(); 				}            if            (userOutput !=            null) { 					userOutput.close(); 				}            this.clientSock.close();            System.err.println("Lost connection to "            +            this.clientSock.getRemoteSocketAddress()); 			}            catch            (IOException ioe2) { 				// Ignored 			} 		} 	}  	/** 	 * Parses the parameter (listen port) and accepts TCP connections on that 	 * port. Each client is serviced by an independent thread, managed by a CachedThreadPool ExecutorService. 	 * The thread will read a line from the client, convert it to uppercase, and then write the converted 	 * line back to the client until the client disconnects or the server exits. 	 *  	 * @param args 	 *            <listen port> 	 */            public            static            void main(String[] args) {  		// Make sure both arguments are present            if            (args.length < 1) { 			ThreadPoolEchoServer.printUsage();            System.exit(1); 		}  		// Try to parse the port number            int            port = -1;            try            { 			port =            Integer.parseInt(args[0]); 		}            catch            (NumberFormatException nfe) {            System.err.println("Invalid listen port value: \""            + args[1] 					+            "\"."); 			ThreadPoolEchoServer.printUsage();            System.exit(1); 		}  		// Make sure the port number is valid            for            TCP.            if            (port <= 0 || port > 65536) {            System.err.println("Port value must be in (0, 65535].");            System.exit(1); 		}            final            ThreadPoolEchoServer server =            new            ThreadPoolEchoServer(port); 		// Starts the server's independent thread 		server.start();            try            { 			// Wait            for            the server to shutdown 			server.join();            System.out.println("Completed shutdown."); 		}            catch            (InterruptedException e) { 			// Exit with an error condition            System.err.println("Interrupted before accept thread completed.");            System.exit(1); 		}  	} 	 	/** 	 * Prints a simple usage string to standard error that describes the 	 * command-line arguments            for            this            class. 	 */            private            static            void printUsage() {            System.err.println("Echo server requires 1 argument: <Listen Port>"); 	}  	/** 	 * Pool of worker threads of unbounded size. A            new            thread will be created 	 *            for            each concurrent connection, and old threads will be shut down            if            they 	 * remain unused            for            about 1 minute. 	 */            private            final            ExecutorService workers = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();  	/** 	 * Server socket on which to accept incoming client connections. 	 */            private            ServerSocket listenSocket;  	/** 	 * Flag to keep            this            server running. 	 */            private            volatile            boolean            keepRunning =            true;  	/** 	 * Creates a            new            threaded echo server on the specified TCP port.  Calls {@code            System.exit(1)}            if            * it is unable to bind to the specified port. 	 * @param port the TCP port to accept incoming connections on. 	 */            public            ThreadPoolEchoServer(final            int            port) {  		// Capture shutdown requests from the Virtual Machine. 		// This can occur when a user types Ctrl+C at the console            Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new            Thread() { 			@Override            public            void run() { 				ThreadPoolEchoServer.this.shutdown(); 			} 		});            try            {            this.listenSocket =            new            ServerSocket(port); 		}            catch            (IOException e) {            System.err 					.println("An exception occurred              while              creating the listen socket: "            + e.getMessage()); 			e.printStackTrace();            System.exit(1); 		} 	}  	/** 	 * This is executed when ThreadPoolEchoServer.start() is invoked by another thread.  Will listen            for            incoming connections 	 * and hand them over to the ExecutorService (thread pool)            for            the actual handling of client I/O. 	 */ 	@Override            public            void run() { 		// Set a timeout on the accept so we can            catch            shutdown requests            try            {            this.listenSocket.setSoTimeout(1000); 		}            catch            (SocketException e1) {            System.err 					.println("Unable to set acceptor timeout value.  The server may not shutdown gracefully."); 		}            System.out.println("Accepting incoming connections on port "            +            this.listenSocket.getLocalPort()); 		 		// Accept an incoming connection, handle it, then close and repeat.            while            (this.keepRunning) {            try            { 				// Accept the next incoming connection            final            Socket clientSocket =            this.listenSocket.accept();            System.out.println("Accepted connection from "            + clientSocket.getRemoteSocketAddress());  				ClientHandler handler =            new            ClientHandler(clientSocket);            this.workers.execute(handler);  			}            catch            (SocketTimeoutException te) { 				// Ignored, timeouts will happen every 1 second 			}            catch            (IOException ioe) {            System.err 						.println("Exception occurred              while              handling client request: "            + ioe.getMessage()); 				// Yield to other threads            if            an exception occurs (prevent CPU 				// spin)            Thread.yield(); 			} 		}            try            { 			// Make sure to release the port, otherwise it may remain bound            for            several minutes            this.listenSocket.close(); 		}catch(IOException ioe){ 			// Ignored 		}            System.out.println("Stopped accepting incoming connections."); 	}  	/** 	 * Shuts down            this            server.  Since the main server thread will time out every 1 second, 	 * the shutdown process should complete in at most 1 second from the time            this            method is invoked. 	 */            public            void shutdown() {            System.out.println("Shutting down the server.");            this.keepRunning =            false;            this.workers.shutdownNow();            try            {            this.join(); 		}            catch            (InterruptedException e) { 			// Ignored, we're exiting anyway 		} 	} }


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